Use Zapier to connect Willo with Google Sheets, Trello, Slack and 5,000+ other apps without any technical skill.

Zapier is the market leader in no-and-low-code integrations. Built for scale and complexity, you can add Willo to over 5,000 of the world’s largest software apps. It even works if you have a highly-sensitive use case since Zapier’s encryption works for many different needs.

Top Rated candidate screening software.
We guarantee Willo will streamline and speed up your hiring process. But don’t just take our word for it.
Get the lowdown from our customers.
How Willo works.
Step 1

Write the interview questions you want answered.
Step 2

Send a link to invite candidates to your interview landing page.
Step 3

Candidates complete the video interview in their own time.
Step 4

Easily review, shortlist and share your candidates’ responses.