VidCruiter vs Willo
Talent Leaders switched to Willo because of its transparent pricing, self-service options, and identity verification features
Transparent Pricing
See what it costs before you sign up
Identity Verification
Easily confirm if someone is eligible to work for you
Matthew M.
Willo customer

We Both Offer Video Interviews,
Here’s How Willo is Different
Want to learn why candidate and hiring managers prefer Willo?
Transparent Pricing
Willo shares pricing publicly so you can choose the level that works for you.

You Have To Ask
VidCruiter doesn’t share pricing publicly. You’ll need to reach out to the team (and provide contact information first).

Transparent and affordable
Pay monthly or get a discount for annual purchases.
Easily scale your plan up or down as needs change.
Matthew M.
Identity Verification + Right-To-Work Checks
Easily verify if someone has the legal right to work for your organization

Manual Verifcation
If you don’t have embedded verification, you have to conduct checks manually or hire an additional third party.

Verify Identity In A Few Clicks
Identity verification from $3 per check
Pay as you go or bulk options
Willo takes on the verification risk so you don’t have to
Sebastian T

Get Started In 5 Minutes
Easily create a fully custom interviewing process within 5 minutes (or even faster with 50+ templates designed for 100+ roles).

0 Contracts, Billed Monthly
All Willo plans are flexible with no contract: pay monthly or opt into an annual plan to get a 30% discount.

24/7 Support
Access live chat (and help articles) 24/7 to get you through any issues. But with Willo’s easy-to-use platform, we don’t think you’ll have many.
Here’s Why Many Have Switched To Willo
Let us Show You How Willo Can Adapt To Your Hiring Process
Show you the platform live—tailored to your hiring needs.
Demonstrating the candidate journey from start to finish.
Get a personalized quote
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