Spark Hire vs Willo
Hiring Managers switched because of Willo’s customization, ease of use, and more affordable/flexible pricing.
Higher interview completion rate
More candidates, higher quality.
Easily assess hundreds (or thousands) of candidates
Share the best ones with 1 click.
Create an interview process in 5-10 mins
Or start with 50+ templates!
Frank T.
Willo customer

We Both Offer Async Interviews,
Here’s How Willo is Different
Want to learn why candidate and hiring managers prefer Willo?
Deliver a Seamless Candidate Experience
Customize the look and feel of your interviews to maintain a consistent candidate experience

Too Many Buttons?
Spark Hire has a lot of features. Maybe even too many?

Customizable For An Amazing Candidate Experience
Add your brand colors and language
Seamless ATS integrations
1-Click interview sharing
Sean A.
Very UK
Candidates can use their browser—No Downloads or Signups
Willo’s browser-based application works on all devices (even with low internet speeds)

Let’s Get To Work
The best candidates apply to lots of different companies and they may not apply to yours if your process isn’t smooth.

Less Friction, Way More Qualified Candidates
Any device, apply on the go
No sign-up or downloads
Work even with slow internet
Flexible, Affordable Pricing
All plans include unlimited job postings, flexible monthly billing, and annual discounts

Potentially Limiting Plans
Spark Hire only allows up to 10 posted jobs unless you lock into an Enterprise annual contract.

Unlimited Jobs On All Plans
Integrations and customizations included
Send invites by email and SMS
24/7 support on all plans
Pippa W.
Filter Candidates & Share Easily
Control viewing permissions to securely, easily share with all stakeholders

Lots Of Comments
Collaboration functions are great, but you also want to respect candidate privacy and ensure you don’t have too much of a good thing.

Share Only What You Need
Control which stakeholder sees what
Easily share information with your team
Sorting & filtering features
Sophie S.

Get Started In 5 Minutes
Easily create a fully custom interviewing process within 5 minutes (or even faster with 50+ templates designed for 100+ roles).

0 Contracts, Billed Monthly
All Willo plans are flexible with no contract: pay monthly or opt into an annual plan to get a 30% discount.

24/7 Support
Access live chat (and help articles) 24/7 to get you through any issues. But with Willo’s easy-to-use platform, we don’t think you’ll have many.
Here’s Why Many Have Switched
From Spark Hire To Willo
Let us Show You How Willo Can Adapt To Your Hiring Process
Show you the platform live—tailored to your hiring needs.
Demonstrating the candidate journey from start to finish.
Get a personalized quote
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